An Innocent Cab Driver Was Murdered by a “Evil” Gun Enthusiast for the “Thrill”

Ceebla C
8 min readOct 11, 2023

While on vacation in Cromford, a village in Derbyshire, England, Peter Noble and his wife enjoyed taking in the local attractions, which included the Cromford train station. An onlooker waved them down and requested that they call for an ambulance, pointing to a parked Ford Escort.

Peter assumed there had been some type of accident and made his way over to the car. But when he arrived, he had to take a second look at what he had seen. The car’s rear window was broken, and his eyes caught a man whose head was stuck between the trunk top and the side of the car. There was blood everywhere.

Peter dialed 999 and said, “There’s a minicab in the middle of the road, and it looks like there’s a body dumped in the back.”

Who was the victim?

The deceased has been named as local taxi driver Stuart Ludlam, 43. The police looked into Stuart’s life and final moments leading to his death. He and his wife Paula have been together for 17 years and have three children: boys Jonathan (15) and Matthew (12) and daughter Amy (2). He had been with the same company for 15 years. His coworkers and the customers he picked up thought highly of him.



Ceebla C

I have written over 100 true crime stories here on Medium, but not anymore as it took a toll on my health. Now I write about whatever makes me happy.